Data Labs


  • Championing innovative approaches to data sharing and utilization across state governments, enhancing the ability to address complex policy challenges through evidence-based strategies.
  • Facilitating collaboration between cross-functional teams in state government to foster a more integrated and effective approach to data-informed policymaking.
  • Providing states with tailored assistance and training from national experts to develop a robust project implementation plan that paves the way for future scalable efforts.

Recognized by Fast Company’s Next Big Things in Tech, Data Labs uses a human-centered design approach to help states launch data-sharing projects that improve government services and the lives of residents. The program does this by convening cross-functional state teams, offering hands-on assistance, and leveraging insights from subject matter experts.

For the first time in the modern digital era, virtually all of the nation’s governors use data to make decisions in real-time. Yet states still face many challenges related to the use of data and evidence in policy making and service delivery, which, in turn, hinders progress on establishing comprehensive data systems. Produced in partnership with the Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University and the National Governors Association, Data Labs empowers governments to make better data-informed decisions by using data more effectively, efficiently, and equitably.

Data Labs works with teams of data and policy experts in state government who want to launch a data-sharing project in their state. The program helps teams scope and launch a brand new project or build momentum for a project that has already been developed. At the conclusion of the program, states are equipped to make data-informed decisions to address key policy issues and launch a project that sets a strong foundation for future policymaking. Learn more about the program here.


  • Ali Benson

    Ali Benson

    Director, Data Labs

  • Jennifer Puma

    Jennifer Puma

    Program Manager, Data Labs

  • Vinith Annam

    Vinith Annam

    Senior Program Manager, Data Labs

  • Isaac Yoder

    Isaac Yoder

    Program Manager, Data Labs

  • Maggie Sullivan

    Student Analyst

Next Project Event

From Insight to Action: Collaborative Approaches to Data-Informed Solutions in States

From Insight to Action: Collaborative Approaches to Data-Informed Solutions in States
February 28, 2024
12:30 pm

Join us for an engaging panel discussion with leading data and policy experts in state government. We'll delve into how these experts are championing innovative approaches to data sharing and utilization, enhancing their capacity to tackle complex policy challenges with evidence-based strategies.
Data Labs Information Session

Data Labs Information Session
March 12, 2024
12:00 pm

Do you have questions about the Data Labs program, or need help with your proposal? Drop by this information session to get the answers and support you need!

Project Updates

What We've Learned So Far